Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Fw: YOU HAVE WON 2,100,000:00 BRITISH POUNDS - 2014 BRAZIL FIFA WORLD CUP (processingcorporation@gmail.com)

                                            Brazil 2014 FIFA World Cup Promotional Draws Notice

Attention: Dear Winner,

This is to inform you that Big Big Lotto Company and Brazil 2014 global FIFA World Cup Organizing Committee (BFWCOC)
here in London (United Kingdom) has held an Internet Raffle Draw today  3rd January 2013 among all the internet email users
around the globe and your email address was among the 10,000,000 (Ten million) email addresses that was randomly picked up
by the computer during the first  Quarter Raffle draw in conjunction with Microsoft.

We are therefore with great pleasure to notify you that your email address happened to come out top (6) out of the 10,000,000

Email addresses on the final email ballot draw and this has made you the jackpot winner of  £2,100,000.00 (Two Million One
Hundred Thousand British Pounds Sterling only) and a free Entrance Tickets to watch the games live in Brazil. Participants
Email addresses were sorted globally (Powered by Microsoft) from companies, Individuals, Government's agencies, co-operate
bodies, charity homes etc and computed “RANDOMLY" via E-sorting balloting to select respective winners around the globe.

Be aware that this Internet Raffle Draw (IRD) is organized by BIGBIG LOTTO COMPANY and Brazil 2014 global FIFA
World Cup Organizing Committee (BFWCOC) here in London just to create awareness to the world as Brazil is finalizing
their preparation for the hosting of the 2014 FIFA World Cup. You are to call and forward the Reference Number:
EAASL/941OYI/02/SHYN, Batch Number: 12/25/0034 and your information’s to Mrs. Linda Fleetwood to enable her process
the documentation and submit the clearance to the paying bank for immediate transfer of your winning prize.

Name: Mrs. Linda Fleetwood
Address: 3B Olympic Way, Sefton Business Park Aintree, Liverpool, L30 1RD
Tel: +44-701-296-3005
Emails: prizeclaimza@hotmail.com/ prizeclaimza1@hotmail.com

1. Full Name
2. Address.
3. Country.
4. Mobile /Fax number. 
5. Occupation. 
6.  Age
7. Male/Female
8. Married/Single

Congratulations from the staff, and thank you for being part of email account users of this program.
Yours Sincerely,
Mrs. Dianne Thompson
Online Lotto Co-coordinator

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