Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Re: Assallam Alahekum Waramotullahi Wabarakatu. - Mrs Medinat Abudul Malik Sherrif (

Assallam Alahekum Waramotullahi Wabarakatu.
Thank you for your email response  and your open heart, really I know that as a dedicative Muslim you will always find a place in your heart to forgive others  and assist other as well, my heartily donations  if not a joke , I have fear  and  respect for our religion  and I think a lot  on  our poor Muslim brother  and sisters  out there, assisting them will be a think of joy and almighty Allah will reward you for the effort in achieving my dreams.

Once all the formalities are concluded  and you communicate with the bank,  I empower you to advise  the bank to send you  the requested amount, I can not do more than this because the fund are still with the bank while I am currently  hospitalized.

I  thank the  Almighty  Allah  for  nominating  you to this  great  work, and I prayer that he will strengthen you  as well, nature has a way of bringing people together for a particular  purpose  .kindly respond to me on your  willingness and readiness to proceed so that further guide lines  will be sent to you for your proceedings.
May Allah be with you

Yours Sister in Islam
Mrs Medinat Abudul Malik Sherrif

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