Saturday, April 10, 2010

canzonet - "Paben Wier"

Tive architecture and the primitive music, that they soon come
to their limit; they soon are exhausted, and can do nothing
more. If you attempt
more, it's like taxing a musical instrument
beyond its powers."... Campbell: "This
is literally true as regards Gregorian music, instruments did not
exist in primitive times which could execute any other."... Reding:

"... Modern music did not come into existence till after the powers of
the violin became known. Corelli himself, who wrote not
two hundred years ago, hardly ventures on the shift.
The piano, again, I have heard, has almost given birth to Beethoven."
Campbell: "Modern music, then, could not be in ancient times for want
of modern instruments,
and, in like manner, Gothic archite

(Virused attachment)

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