Thursday, February 3, 2011

Post Express Service. Error in the delivery address! NR8632 - "Post Express"

Dear client 

Your package has been returned to the Post Express office. 
The reason of the return is "Incorrect delivery address of the package" 

Attached to the letter mailing label contains the details of the package delivery. 
You have to print mailing label, and come in the Post Express office in order to receive the packages. 

Thank you for your attention.
Post Express Support 

There are various flavours in honey [existing distinct] through the difference of the trees [from whose flowers it is produced]; how else could it remove the three-fold disorders?[Footnote: __I. __ those affecting the three humours of the body, __i. vâyu__ wind, __pitta__ bile, and __kapha__ phlegm. Certain flavours of the honey counteract one disorder and others another. The SuÅ¡ruta thus describes honey (vol. i. p. 185): When cooked it removes the three-fold disorders, but when raw or sour it causes them; when used in various applications it cures many disorders; and since it is composed of many different things it is an excellent medium for mixing. But as it consists of the juices of flowers which are mutually contrary in the action, potency, and qualities of their various ingredients, and it may happen that poisonous insects may be included, it is only good as a remedy for cold diseases. 


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