Monday, November 1, 2010

AssalamuAlaikum wr wb....ARE YOU WILLING? - "Ruben H. Yusuf"

AssalamuAlaikum Wr Wb.
I am Ruben Yusuf, a native of Port-au-Prince Haiti. I am 61 years old, I am suffering from heart related disease after the shock I had when I lost everything I have, family, friends, and companies in Haitian Earthquake incident. From all indication my conditions is really deteriorating and it is quite obvious that I won't live few months from now according to my doctors. As a result, I have decided to donate my funds to aid organizations.
I donated huge sum to some NGO’s here in Haiti but found out that some of the NGO’s used the funds for their political ambition instead. I deposited a suitcase that contains seven million United States Dollars with a Vault in (Jakarta) Indonesia for an investment. Now, I have decided to use the fund for development of Islamic religion and the less privileged in Indonesia and all over Asia.
If you are willing, and will be honest to use the fund for the said purpose, reply with your first and last name, direct phone and your address. Also explain to me how you think you can utilize the fund. If I receive your reply with reasonable explanation and your information as requested, I will proceed with the fund release in your favor and reply you with more details.
Ruben H. Yusuf.

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